is a Japanese seinen manga magazine published by Enterbrain on a monthly basis since November 1995. In 2006, it had a circulation of 25,000. Popular manga serialized in ''Comic Beam'' include Kaoru Mori's ''Emma'' about the love story between a maid and an aristocratic man in Victorian England. ''Emma'' was adapted into an anime series and translated into many languages. ''Koi no Mon'' (''Otakus in Love'') revolves around a group of otaku, their lives and romantic relationships. The comedy by Hanyu-new was made into a film in 2004. ''Comic Beam'' is considered an "alternative" manga magazine in the Japanese publishing industry, where its 25,000 circulation is less than 1% of other more popular manga magazines like ''Weekly Shōnen Jump''. Its small but loyal readership is regarded as consisting largely of hardcore comic enthusiast and art students. ==Serialized titles== * by Marginal and Syuji Takeya * ''Bambi and Her Pink Gun'' by Atsushi Kaneko * ''Desert Punk'' by Usune Masatoshi (ongoing) * ''Emma'' by Kaoru Mori * * ''Emma Bangaihen'' by Kaoru Mori * by Junko Mizuno * ''King of Thorn'' by Yuji Iwahara * by Satoshi Fukushima * by Atsushi Kaneko * ''Wandering Son'' by Takako Shimura * by Kotobuki Shiriagari * ''Thermae Romae'' by Mari Yamazaki 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Comic Beam」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク